Hi I’m Lisa Garrett, MSHN and Gut Health Expert.

I help people repair and boost their gut naturally so they can be healthy and happy.

Years ago I had terrible digestive issues and stomach problems and I couldn’t figure out why. At that time I had no idea that I was celiac… or that I was extra sensitive to certain “healthy” foods as a result!

By the time I figured it out – my gut was destroyed. After being on the receiving end of too much advice that didn’t help at all, I just hit a wall. There had to be a better way.

And after a lot of trial and error – I found it… through food! I can’t wait to share with you what I did to ditch being sick and tired and get back to living my life the way I want to!

If I’m not helping someone with their diet, you can find me working out, teaching cycling, white-knuckling through yoga, spending time with Jim and the boys, walking the dog, enjoying a glass of vino, or testing my brain power with a cross word puzzle. I’m Lisa Garrett and I’m a foodie.


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