Healing bodies one gut at a time!

GAPS Class! All diseases begin in the gut.  Whether you or a family member is suffering from heart burn, weight gain, fatigue, constant gas, bloat, constipation/diarrhea, food sensitivities, brain fog, autoimmune diseases, hair loss, dry skin, ADD, ADHD, allergies, or...

My Ah-Ha Moment

It happened about seven years ago.  My ah-ha moment.  It hit like a lightning bolt.  Our oldest son Sam had been fighting asthma and eczema since age one.  Asthma may not seem like a battle but when you can’t breathe and you don’t know what’s causing the attacks, it...


Are you sick of hearing about sugar and what it does to you? Honestly, I don’t think it’s talked about enough. I’m not going to bore you with the gory details of how sugar is the root of many illnesses that people either put up with or die from. What I will tell you...